silhouettes of couple kissing against sunset

Kind Of: Sasha’s tale

“How about one last kiss? Just one for the road,please??”
It was his tagline each time they had to say goodbye. A war of lips would ensue and it would take all they had to let go of each other. Breaths mixing, hearts racing and minds lost kind of whirlstorm of a kiss. The kind that curls the toes and mends the soles I mean soul.

That’s the kind of love she craved,the kind of that played in her head. She had been one to fall in love easy but letting them in was a task. Just another love story that couldn’t be hers, isn’t it just life? (si ni life?)?

She kind of wanted a fairy tale good parts kind of affair, the picnics and late night conversations. The hugs and cuddles:hugging someone you love decreases your stress levels. (rushes over to hug my pillow because… Aah never mind)  She wanted a best friend and lover. She craved a partner that would blend with her into a kaleidoscope. Color breathes life and she wanted that, a fire of colors burning in her life. So she wrote a letter to the universe to plead her case.
Dear Ms Universe,
I guess you are a lady and frankly I feel that you should understand my struggle. I love him, I really do and it irks me that I can’t let him know.
He is the one, I feel it in my guts but I am scared. His laughter takes me to church. The voice you gave him, weakens my knees and keeps my heart beating. He gives me the vibes I only read about in books. I could sculpt him with the finest of marble and rhinestone. If I was cake he would be the icing because he is just so enticing. Thinking of him makes my last brain cells the best candidates for atrophy studies.
You sent some my way that left without a warning. Give me a sign sis! Should I just give it a go? Quit playing with me. I don’t want to lose what I have kept safe this long. I kind of just want him only.
Yours truly,

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I have known shame in the way a lover masters every inch of their partner. We have sat together and shared a glass of prosecco


So my mind has been warring with my heart for a minute. This is not gangster of me and so I’ll just let whoever wins