

The pen is mightier than the sword but the sword is bloodier. If I voice my worries, I color the world red not with the crayons of my childhood but with the liquid flowing in my veins. It has come to this, a warfare that I win and lose in equal measure. Those I knew some are gone to join the battalion of guards in the other world, our guardian angels. Red only reminded  me of danger and a stop sign, now it tells me they are on to us ready to spill and tear our limbs apart. All because we refuse to be the blind that see. 

Hush! Hush! Close one eye and smile with all your teeth, make them see you are okay. Don’t stare too long, they become suspicious. I’m too young to join the world beyond the horizon. Keep your silence and have your teeth rot and fall off. That how it feels to keep mum over everything that affects our lives.

Did I make sense, I’m not sure yet. Roses are red, blood is everyday shed but the truth remains unsaid. I was just a passing cloud, I bring no rain or shield against the sun. I’m waiting for bigger clouds to come together to brew a storm of change and overturn the rot in the world. 


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18 Responses

  1. I’m getting addicted to your blogs. It’s a good feeling??.
    Your words are real and are compatible to out lives today.

  2. Awesome amazing
    Could go on and on but i might me go crazy…
    Yet again this was another awesome one…keep them coming

  3. This is just amazing… You be a real poet, speak your heart and mind out, both of which are remarkable as your writing… Hope you’ll never stop.. Continue writing till we shed teeth?✌️

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