

Her name was Casey, an introvert with a side few got to know. She hated crowds and places where she couldn’t be comfortable. Her mind was her prison, her thoughts her wardens reigning her in. Like every human she had her escapades. Her wandering soul found her solace within the pages of a book.

Her heroes and heroines found their love, their perfect match. Would she find that one who would sweep her feet away and carry her into the sunset? She would think and dream. Maybe she was blind or deaf.

Maybe her forever was before her eyes waiting for her answer. She was scared, her scars from the past kept her at bay. Would he erase her doubts and her fears? Would he soothe every ache and bruise?

Maybe she’ll just continue dreaming, closing herself off from the feelings she craves for. Maybe another book will give her false hope and put her mind at ease. Another smile will appear on her face when she reads of him and her. For now her books were the reality she might never have.




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15 Responses

  1. Wonderfully well written and thoughts from a mind truly in bloom.
    Ditto for everything else I’ve read here.
    May you continue to inspire and be inspired.

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I have known shame in the way a lover masters every inch of their partner. We have sat together and shared a glass of prosecco


So my mind has been warring with my heart for a minute. This is not gangster of me and so I’ll just let whoever wins