Could you spare that look?
Spare it for our daughter,
Let it be her reference,
That men can be amazing.

Would you impact our son?
Teach him to be a man,
Not a man to build his ego,
But a man you can entrust your daughter to.

Could you tell her?
Tell her she is enough and will always be,
Please remind her for me,
She is precious and loved.

Hold his hand and take a walk,
I hope you and him will talk,
That no means no,
Rejection is not the end of life.

Teach our kids the truth,
That perfection is false perception,
Not all prizes are worth pursuing,
That humanity can be messed up and lack sanity.

I hope they never get to change,
I hope they find love and all its joys and aches,
I hope they don’t have to look over their shoulder,
I hope the world becomes a better place.

Our kids will feel like they belong,
No worry or fear of the beasts and predators,
I pray they find peace again,
I hope they look in the mirror and feel confident.

Dear baby daddy,
I hope they don’t sink in toxicity,
Our kids will be different,
That’s all I hope for love.

Twisted Empress 2019
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